An extroverted introvert, Melinda ('Mel') is a British widow living and working in Norfolk, England. In her work, expect storytelling, sincerity and a soupçon of sarcasm. She is a fan and writer of the personal essay and creative nonfiction.
The Rest for Those Who Are Not Bored Yet
Melinda is making space again for writing now corporate career and children have flown the coop. A creative business owner, Melinda is also a mother and stepmother to four amazing grown-up humans.
Why Dear Flamingo?
'Dear Flamingo' is an anagram of Melinda Fargo. (Melinda wishes she could make that reason less prosaic. Sorry.)
Save The Date
Melinda will marry Denzel Washington after the sudden disappearance of any of his wives. Notwithstanding, would-be suiters are advised to start with this essay:
A Middle-Aged Widow’s Open Letter To The Man Who Thinks He Wants to Date Her
She says you will thank her later.
Where else to find her
Dear Flamingo
Maven Fargo Handmade